Summer Fun With a Purpose

Julie Walker   -  

Say “YES” to “VBS”!  Sign Your child Up Now for Deer Flat Church’s VBS.

Summer break is here! While the kids are excited for some fun in the sun, parents might be looking for enriching activities (still fun) that keep little minds engaged. Deer Flat Church’s “SURFIN’ VBS, LEARNING TO RIDE THE WAVES OF LIFE,” is 5 days packed with adventures, scripture memorization, music, crafts . . . all combined for kids to Have Fun Learning About Jesus.

WHEN: June 10-14, 2024

TIME: 9 am-12 pm daily

WHERE: Deer Flat Church

COST: Free

Starts Monday. Register through Sunday!

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult for children to connect with their faith. Deer Flat’s VBS provides a fun and interactive way for kids to have fun learning about Jesus, and develop a strong foundation of faith.

If you’re looking for a fun and inspiring way for your child to spend summer break, VBS is a great option! Make sure to invite grandchildren and neighbors as well.

Sign up now

So just say “YES” to “VBS”!

For Kidz and the King,

Julie Walker

Director of Children’s Ministry

Deer Flat Church