2024 State of the Church

Ryan Stoops   -  

Dear DF Church Family,

I love my church! Last Sunday we finished out our summer series, What a Great Word. Hearing from a variety of our staff pastors, we were edified with great soul food. I hope you are encouraged and reminded just how blessed we are to have such stellar spiritual leaders here at the church. God is growing His church, and we are in the midst of it!

On another note… if you enjoy being encouraged and want to hear some good news in the face of a world that only knows how to promote negative, I want to personally encourage and invite you to be with us in person this Sunday. This weekend’s service is our annual State of the Church address where you will walk away fired up with some beautiful testimonies of what God has been doing in the last 12 months through our church family. Moreover, you will hear about what God has been putting on the staff’s heart and where He is leading us next. Sometimes in life we just need to hear some faith filled testimonies and vision to inspire us to put on our spiritual armor and go to battle again tomorrow.

In addition to the great reports, we are blessed to have guest worship leaders in both our traditional and contemporary services and we are planning to set aside time to pray over this coming 2024/25 school year. Join us this weekend to be challenged and encouraged in your faith, prepare your hearts to worship and be overjoyed, and most importantly plan to be with us this weekend at our 2024 State of the Church service.

I’ll see you Sunday!
Pastor Ryan