October 4, 2023 3:08 PM
We say the church is a community, but what does that mean? How can a group of distinct individuals be one community? What binds us together? In writing to the Church at Galatia, Paul said: “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Gal 6:10). We obviously want to help as many people as we can, but we’re also called to “especially” care for the “household of faith”, our church family. Not only is this a practical matter, but this advice is also loaded with dozens of commands from the Bible. In the New Testament, multiple verses emphasize this point in what’s known as the “one-another” verses. For example, we read:
“Be at peace with one another” (Mark 9:50)
“Bear with and forgive one another” (Col 3:13)
“Love one another” (John 13:34)
“Serve one another” (Gal 5:13)
“Pray for one another” (Jas 5:16)
In short, our church—the body of Christ—was created by God to be just that, a body, a family of brothers and sisters in Christ who encourage and support one another to live and love like Jesus. Ultimately, our faithfulness to God’s commands affects the health of the body of Christ. So, when we care for each other, the church will grow in maturity and unity in Christ.
In what ways can our church family continue to be more intentional in our one-another’s? I’ve taken a moment to outline 6 examples of how we can ensure DF church continues to be a place of authentic Christian family.
For His glory, Pastor Ryan
OUR GOAL: 1200 boxes
“Be at peace with one another” (Mark 9:50)
“Bear with and forgive one another” (Col 3:13)
“Love one another” (John 13:34)
“Serve one another” (Gal 5:13)
“Pray for one another” (Jas 5:16)
In short, our church—the body of Christ—was created by God to be just that, a body, a family of brothers and sisters in Christ who encourage and support one another to live and love like Jesus. Ultimately, our faithfulness to God’s commands affects the health of the body of Christ. So, when we care for each other, the church will grow in maturity and unity in Christ.
In what ways can our church family continue to be more intentional in our one-another’s? I’ve taken a moment to outline 6 examples of how we can ensure DF church continues to be a place of authentic Christian family.
- Pray for one-another – Seize the moment to do the most powerful thing you can do… When we are in conversation and hear of needs or brokenness, let’s pause immediately and pray for each other.
- Write one-another – When the Lord brings someone to our mind, take that chance to immediately write them. Write them a text, an email, or a handwritten note letting them know that you are thinking and praying for them.
- Call one-another – This takes very little time and is welcomed by most. The worst that can happen is the person doesn’t answer and you leave them a “loving” voicemail.
- Eat with one-another – The most basic need a human has is food and drink, why not share that daily duty with a fellow brother/sister.
- Help one-another – When you’re made aware of a need, volunteer to serve. Nothing testifies to a relationship more than serving their needs.
- Look out for one-another – This includes all the above, but it especially includes noticing when your family is missing from the “dinner table.” Who haven’t you seen in while? Let them know you miss them and let us (pastors) know as well.
For His glory, Pastor Ryan
OUR GOAL: 1200 boxes
- Participate in packing the 600 boxes on October 21st.
- Packing party is 9-11 am with refreshments.
- Kids and families encouraged to help; it's fun!
- Pick up and pack a shoebox, return by October 27th.
- Boxes are in the lobby.
- Pack a box online
- Make a donation for shipping and discipleship program.
- Mark OCC on a check or giving envelope.
- Give online