September 14, 2023 7:01 AM
As I often like to do, I want to take you on a short review of the Jewish roots of our Christianity, and I want to do that by having you consider the month of Elul, which is right now on our calendar. The month of Elul is the last month of the year on the Jewish calendar. Next month, Tishrei, (Sept. 15) begins the Jewish New Year, known as Rosh HaShana, the head of the New Year, which marks the awesome time of judgement for all of Adam’s descendants.
Elul gives us an opportunity to begin to prepare ourselves for the coming Days of Awe: Rosh HaShana, the Ten Days of Repentance, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when the final judgement is sealed. Elul ends on the evening of Sept. 15, as Thishrei begins.
So here’s a good question: What is special about Elul, other than approaching Rosh Hashanah? There is a big emphasis on Teshuvah – repentance, for 40 days. And, What’s the significance of 40 days? –Do we need 40 days to really repent? Such great questions. Here’s the significance – Elul takes place during the same time that Moses was seeking God’s mercy and forgiveness for the sins of the people for making the Golden Calf Altar. Remember, that sin cost 3,000 lives. So Moses went back up Mt. Sinai, interceding and preparing the second set of tablets.
Moses ascended Mt. Sinai at the beginning of Elul and then descended 40 days later on the 10th of Tishri, which is the end of Yom Kippur, when the repentance of the people was complete. It was seeking forgiveness for the national sins through repentance, (teshuvah) before the Lord.
Several customs during the month of Elul are designed to remind us of the significant season and help us prepare ourselves and our souls for the upcoming High Holidays. One of those things is…
BLOWING THE SHOFAR - Traditionally, the shofar is blown each morning, ripping the air with its sound, intending to awaken the soul and kick start the accounting that happens throughout the month.
Among most religious Jews they were familiar with a saying that accompanied this season, ‘the King is in the field,’ an expression that I learned about from a friend some years ago, who has impacted my life, Rabbi Chaim Richman.
This phrase is a profound metaphor that conveys the unique spiritual opportunity that exists during the month of Elul. It signifies that during this time, the Divine presence is more accessible and approachable, as if the King Himself has left the palace and is present in the fields, ready to meet and engage with each individual. The King comes to us! This is a surprise visit. Had we been expecting him, we could have put on holiday finery, and prepared to show our best selves. But a surprise visit means that he catches us just as we are…as we really are. No special posturing, positioning or pretexts; no need to pretend. It’s ‘come as you are.’
On a deeper level, this picture teaches us that during Elul, the barriers between us and the Divine are temporarily diminished. It is a time when we have the opportunity to connect with God in a more intimate and personal way. The King's presence in the field represents God's desire for a direct relationship with each and every one of us.
So this tradition teaches us that although our repentance is readily acceptable before God all year round, there is something very unique about coming closer to God during this month…it’s as if He is literally standing next to each of us, ‘in the field’ of our lives in this world, where we really are, and He is ‘putting His ear right up to our lips,’ as it were….really waiting and hoping and anticipating that we will turn to Him.
Our awareness that ‘the King, our Messiah, is in the field’ can inspire us towards real spiritual progress in our relationship with Him, with others…and with ourselves. So open up your heart in the deepest way. The King is the field! May the roots of our faith impact our lives during this amazing season.
Let me close with a few quick items I think you’ll want to know about…
The Dark Road Dinner Drama – September 22, a unique group of our students will be presenting a powerful drama in an unforgettable way. This is a group of Deer Flat students that have committed themselves to a year of discipleship that will result in a field trip to Israel in March. This event is a fund raiser for their project. An amazing meal before the drama awaits you at 6 pm. Tickets are available at the WELCOME CENTER, by contacting Jessi at the church office – 208.459.3845, or online at for $35. If you would like to attend just the drama, tickets are $10. You’re in for an amazing experience. Seating for the dinner is limited, so move quickly.
A RETURN TO MT. SINAI – There’s an opportunity to travel to Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia this February. An INFORMATIONAL MEETING is happening this Saturday at 9 am, room 5. Come get the information.
NEW CLASSES BEGIN THIS SUNDAY – There’s a great lineup of classes beginning this Sunday (see below). If you’re looking for a small group, some great Bible teaching, and a chance to connect with others, be sure to look at the Class offerings as you arrive this Sunday. There are amazing options awaiting you. It’s a great way to grow.
Homework Assignment – We’re working our way through the Letter of Colossians. We will be looking at Colossians 2 this Sunday. Why not take some time to read through it and be prepared for a deeper dive this Lord’s Day!
We can’t wait to see you!
Pastor Dave
I & II TIMOTHY – Gary & Jackie Andrews 9:15 am in Room 5 (ongoing class)
I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FAITH TO BE AN ATHEIST – R Vincent Warde 9:15 am in Room 8 (September 17-December 3)
COLLEGE & CAREERS LIFE GROUP – Emily TenHulzen 9:30 am in Room 11 (ongoing class)
MIKE & MONICA WILLIAMSON LIFE GROUP 9 am in Room 26 (ongoing)
GOSPEL OF MARK – Joel Radford 10:30 am in Room 5 (ongoing)
GOD HAS A NAME – Jack Duerksen 10:30 am in Room 8 (ongoing)
UNDERSTANDING DEPRESSION – Ginny Noyes & Karen Whittaker 10:45 am in Room 2 (October 22 – November 12)
SHEPHERDING A CHILD’S HEART – Dain Johnson 10:45 am in Room 4 (September 17 – December 3) REGISTER HERE
THE OLD TESTAMENT LIKE YOU’VE NEVER KNOWN IT – Dave & Jerri McGarrah 10:45 am in Room 65 (September 17 – November 5) REGISTER HERE
“PAUL’S LETTERS” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Pauline Andrews 6:30 pm in Greenleaf (Beginning September 12) REGISTER HERE
“WHEN YOU PRAY” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Roth/Vahsholtz/TenHulzen 10 am in Room 5 (September 13 – November 1)
EMBRACE GRACE – Kelly Brooks 6 pm in Room 8 (September 13 – November 29)
“PAUL’S LETTERS” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Pauline Andrews 6:30 pm in Greenleaf (Beginning September 13) REGISTER HERE
“COVENANT” PRECEPT BIBLE STUDY – Sue Walz 9:30 am in Room 5 (September 7 – November 16)
ADULT SINGLES LIFE GROUP – Bill Addington, Jan Hansen, Kay Wienland 6:30 pm in Room 58 (Sept 14 & 18, Oct 12 & 26, Nov 9 & 30, Dec 14 & 28)
CELEBRATE RECOVERY / THE LANDING / CELEBRATE KIDS Dinner 6 pm / Large Group 7 pm / Small Groups 8 pm (ongoing) Room 30 (Ongoing)
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Phil Whitbeck 8 am in Room 65 (Ongoing)
As I often like to do, I want to take you on a short review of the Jewish roots of our Christianity, and I want to do that by having you consider the month of Elul, which is right now on our calendar. The month of Elul is the last month of the year on the Jewish calendar. Next month, Tishrei, (Sept. 15) begins the Jewish New Year, known as Rosh HaShana, the head of the New Year, which marks the awesome time of judgement for all of Adam’s descendants.
Elul gives us an opportunity to begin to prepare ourselves for the coming Days of Awe: Rosh HaShana, the Ten Days of Repentance, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when the final judgement is sealed. Elul ends on the evening of Sept. 15, as Thishrei begins.
So here’s a good question: What is special about Elul, other than approaching Rosh Hashanah? There is a big emphasis on Teshuvah – repentance, for 40 days. And, What’s the significance of 40 days? –Do we need 40 days to really repent? Such great questions. Here’s the significance – Elul takes place during the same time that Moses was seeking God’s mercy and forgiveness for the sins of the people for making the Golden Calf Altar. Remember, that sin cost 3,000 lives. So Moses went back up Mt. Sinai, interceding and preparing the second set of tablets.
Moses ascended Mt. Sinai at the beginning of Elul and then descended 40 days later on the 10th of Tishri, which is the end of Yom Kippur, when the repentance of the people was complete. It was seeking forgiveness for the national sins through repentance, (teshuvah) before the Lord.
Several customs during the month of Elul are designed to remind us of the significant season and help us prepare ourselves and our souls for the upcoming High Holidays. One of those things is…
BLOWING THE SHOFAR - Traditionally, the shofar is blown each morning, ripping the air with its sound, intending to awaken the soul and kick start the accounting that happens throughout the month.
Among most religious Jews they were familiar with a saying that accompanied this season, ‘the King is in the field,’ an expression that I learned about from a friend some years ago, who has impacted my life, Rabbi Chaim Richman.
This phrase is a profound metaphor that conveys the unique spiritual opportunity that exists during the month of Elul. It signifies that during this time, the Divine presence is more accessible and approachable, as if the King Himself has left the palace and is present in the fields, ready to meet and engage with each individual. The King comes to us! This is a surprise visit. Had we been expecting him, we could have put on holiday finery, and prepared to show our best selves. But a surprise visit means that he catches us just as we are…as we really are. No special posturing, positioning or pretexts; no need to pretend. It’s ‘come as you are.’
On a deeper level, this picture teaches us that during Elul, the barriers between us and the Divine are temporarily diminished. It is a time when we have the opportunity to connect with God in a more intimate and personal way. The King's presence in the field represents God's desire for a direct relationship with each and every one of us.
So this tradition teaches us that although our repentance is readily acceptable before God all year round, there is something very unique about coming closer to God during this month…it’s as if He is literally standing next to each of us, ‘in the field’ of our lives in this world, where we really are, and He is ‘putting His ear right up to our lips,’ as it were….really waiting and hoping and anticipating that we will turn to Him.
Our awareness that ‘the King, our Messiah, is in the field’ can inspire us towards real spiritual progress in our relationship with Him, with others…and with ourselves. So open up your heart in the deepest way. The King is the field! May the roots of our faith impact our lives during this amazing season.
Let me close with a few quick items I think you’ll want to know about…
The Dark Road Dinner Drama – September 22, a unique group of our students will be presenting a powerful drama in an unforgettable way. This is a group of Deer Flat students that have committed themselves to a year of discipleship that will result in a field trip to Israel in March. This event is a fund raiser for their project. An amazing meal before the drama awaits you at 6 pm. Tickets are available at the WELCOME CENTER, by contacting Jessi at the church office – 208.459.3845, or online at for $35. If you would like to attend just the drama, tickets are $10. You’re in for an amazing experience. Seating for the dinner is limited, so move quickly.
A RETURN TO MT. SINAI – There’s an opportunity to travel to Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia this February. An INFORMATIONAL MEETING is happening this Saturday at 9 am, room 5. Come get the information.
NEW CLASSES BEGIN THIS SUNDAY – There’s a great lineup of classes beginning this Sunday (see below). If you’re looking for a small group, some great Bible teaching, and a chance to connect with others, be sure to look at the Class offerings as you arrive this Sunday. There are amazing options awaiting you. It’s a great way to grow.
Homework Assignment – We’re working our way through the Letter of Colossians. We will be looking at Colossians 2 this Sunday. Why not take some time to read through it and be prepared for a deeper dive this Lord’s Day!
We can’t wait to see you!
Pastor Dave
I & II TIMOTHY – Gary & Jackie Andrews 9:15 am in Room 5 (ongoing class)
I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FAITH TO BE AN ATHEIST – R Vincent Warde 9:15 am in Room 8 (September 17-December 3)
COLLEGE & CAREERS LIFE GROUP – Emily TenHulzen 9:30 am in Room 11 (ongoing class)
MIKE & MONICA WILLIAMSON LIFE GROUP 9 am in Room 26 (ongoing)
GOSPEL OF MARK – Joel Radford 10:30 am in Room 5 (ongoing)
GOD HAS A NAME – Jack Duerksen 10:30 am in Room 8 (ongoing)
UNDERSTANDING DEPRESSION – Ginny Noyes & Karen Whittaker 10:45 am in Room 2 (October 22 – November 12)
SHEPHERDING A CHILD’S HEART – Dain Johnson 10:45 am in Room 4 (September 17 – December 3) REGISTER HERE
THE OLD TESTAMENT LIKE YOU’VE NEVER KNOWN IT – Dave & Jerri McGarrah 10:45 am in Room 65 (September 17 – November 5) REGISTER HERE
“PAUL’S LETTERS” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Pauline Andrews 6:30 pm in Greenleaf (Beginning September 12) REGISTER HERE
“WHEN YOU PRAY” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Roth/Vahsholtz/TenHulzen 10 am in Room 5 (September 13 – November 1)
EMBRACE GRACE – Kelly Brooks 6 pm in Room 8 (September 13 – November 29)
“PAUL’S LETTERS” WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Pauline Andrews 6:30 pm in Greenleaf (Beginning September 13) REGISTER HERE
“COVENANT” PRECEPT BIBLE STUDY – Sue Walz 9:30 am in Room 5 (September 7 – November 16)
ADULT SINGLES LIFE GROUP – Bill Addington, Jan Hansen, Kay Wienland 6:30 pm in Room 58 (Sept 14 & 18, Oct 12 & 26, Nov 9 & 30, Dec 14 & 28)
CELEBRATE RECOVERY / THE LANDING / CELEBRATE KIDS Dinner 6 pm / Large Group 7 pm / Small Groups 8 pm (ongoing) Room 30 (Ongoing)
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Phil Whitbeck 8 am in Room 65 (Ongoing)